1ª hora:
i.cymbals eat guitars . share (why there are mountains, 2009)
ii.caspian . moksha (the four trees, 2007)
iii.fang island . white widow (day of the great leap, 2007)
iv.if these trees could talk (if these trees could talk, 2006)
v....and you will know us by the trail of dead . halcyon days (the century of self, 2009)
vi.ratatat . party with children (lp4, 2010)
vii.lymbyc systym . birds (love your abuser, 2007)
viii.lcd soundsystem . all i want (this is happening, 2010)
ix.broken social scene . it's all gonna break (broken social scene, 2005)
2ª hora:
i.m83 . couleurs (saturdays = youth, 2008)
reportagem de diogo santos do concerto de paus+health e god is an astronaut, no santiago alquimista.
ii.health . die slow (get color, 2009)
iii.god is an astronaut . lost kingdom (age of the fifth sun, 2010)
iv.foals . after glow (total life forever, 2010)
v.future islands . long flight (in evening air, 2010)
vi.harlem . torture me (hippies, 2010)
vii.happy birthday . eyes music (happy birthday, 2010)
viii.!!! (chk chk chk) . intensify (!!!, 2001)
ix.liars . mr. you're on fire mr. (they threw us all in a trench and stuck a monument on top, 2001)
4 comentários:
Tojo, olha lá que a seguir ao 8 não vem o 19... :P
haha! Bem visto. ;>
Então eu pedi com tanto amor e carinho para porem aqui a programação do dia 1 de junho e agora venho aqui e nada... É tão frustrante apaixonarmo-nos por uma música e depois não sabermos de quem é :(
Tente por aqui a lista menino Luís Miguel ;)
Mas eu não fiz programa dia 1 de Junho...
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