1ª Hora:
Tu Fawning: "Wager"
British Sea Power: "Facts not Right"
The Invisible: "Protection"
Tristesse Contemporaine: Empty Hearts
White Birds: "Waters"
Wintersleep: "Permanent Sigh"
Destaque Freeze!: Japandroids, "Celebration Rock", (Polyvinyl 2012)
"The Nights of wine and Roses", "Fire's Highway", "Evil's Sway"
Violence Conjugale: "Violence Conjugale"
Ilyas Ahmed: "Now Sleeps"
2ª Hora:
Do Make Say Think: "Say"
Katryn Williams: "Aim"
Case Mayfield: "Tomorrow is My Slave Name"
Chappo: "Don't"
Destaque Freeze!: Japandroids, "Celebration Rock", (Polyvinyl 2012)
"For The Love Of Ivy", "Adrenaline Nightshift", "Continuous Thunder"
Grinderman:"Super Heathen Child"
Patti Smith: "Constantine's Dream"
Germana Fernandes
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