1. Godspeed You!
Black Emperor: Sunshine + Gasoline (aMAZEzine!,
2. Carlton
Melton: Peaking Duck (Out to Sea, 2015)
3. The Soft Moon:
Deeper (Deeper, 2015)
4. Fuck Buttons:
Brainfreeze (Slow Focus, 2013)
5. Samuel
Kerridge: Straight To Hell (A Fallen Empire, 2013)
Destaque FREEZE!:
Teeth Of The Sea
6. Animal
Manservant (Highly Deadly Black Tarantula, 2015)
7. Love Theme
for 1984 (Highly Deadly Black Tarantula, 2015)
8. Moon duo:
Killing Time (Killing Time, 2009)
9. Caspian: Crawlspace
(The Four Trees, 2007)
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