segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2013

Wet Winter, Nikolai

(2012) Metz - Wet Blanket
(2002) Chevelle - Comfortable Liar
(2013) Dusty Mush - Boogie Bogger
(2011) Acid Baby Jesus - Fingerpainting
(2012) Rayon Beach - Jacuzzi Limo Explosion
(2011) Mountain Witch - Death Obsessed
(1997) Radiohead - Paranoid Android
(2011) Total Control - Carpet Rash

FREEZE! 10.000 Russos (2013) 
Spartak Hunger

(2010) Voice Of The Seven Thunders - Kommune
(2010) Horrid Red - Suicide Daydream
(2011) Single Mothers - Winter Coats

Sonya Pereira

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