sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Taking Out The Trash

1. Colleen Green - "You're So Cool" ("Sock It To Me", 2013)
2. Heavy Stereo - "Sleep Freak" ("Sleep Freak", 1995)
3. Revolver - "Heaven Sent An Angel" ("45 EP", 1991)
4. Chapterhouse - "Precious One" ("Mesmerise", 1991)
5. Endless Boogie - "Taking Out The Trash" ("Long Island", 2013)

Uncle Acid And The Deadbeats ("Mind Control", 2013)
6. "Mt. Abraxas"
7. "Devil's Work"

8. The Garbage & The Flowers - "Sweet Pea" ("Eyes Rind As If Beggars", 1997)
9. Mugstar - "Upturnsidedown" ("Axis", 2012)
10. The Flaming Lips - "Try To Explain" ("The Terror", 2013)
11. Thee Oh Sees - "Grown In A Graveyard" ("Moon Sick EP", 2013)

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