quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2009

14h - 15h
cassowaries - blessed be is the new godspeed (blessed be is the new godspeed EP, 2009)
wavves - vermin (wavves, 2008)
ciccone youth - macbeth (the whitey album, 1989)
sonic youth - sugar kane (edit) (whore's moaning EP, 1993)
collisions - japan '45 (sem edição oficial)
awesome color - step up (electric aborigines, 2008)

freeze! - whirlwind heat (self titled or scoop du jour, 2008)
no plans tonight

no age - ripped knees (nouns, 2008)
bob log III - goddam sounds good (my shit is perfect, 2009)
eagles of death metal - wannabe in LA (heart on, 2008)
millionaire - me crazy, you sane (outside the simian flock, 2001)
beck - jack-ass (odelay, 1996)

15h - 16h
battles - tij (mirrored, 2007)
the show is the rainbow - mother and son (wet fist, 2009)
spacemen 3 - revolution (play with fire, 1989)
micachu & the shapes - vulture (jewellery, 2009)
times new viking - relevant: now (rip it off, 2007)
condo fucks - shut down (fuckbook, 2009)
jay reatard - bending steel (sem edição oficial)

freeze! - whirlwind heat (self titled or scoop du jour, 2008)
card catalog
i know you know you know i know
the realization

black rebel motorcycle club - six barrel shotgun (take them on, on your own, 2003)
les savy fav - hold on to your genre (inches, 2004)
mclusky - lightsabre cocksucking blues (mclusky do dallas, 2002)
experimental dental school - basement fever (forest field, 2009)
the microphones - the moon (the glow pt. 2)

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